
Autumn Walking Event in Kurokawaonsen Area

A choice of two routes, followed by a country-style buffet lunch out doors surrounded by beautiful autumn foliage!

Date :  Sunday  October 26th 2014

Starting point  :  Temporary car park opposite COSMOS gas stand.

Starting time : 9:30 a.m.

Fee : adults 1000 yen  children 500 yen (includes lunch and outdoor bath token)

Route details :

Route A (Warabinobori & Seiryunomori)   suitable for children and beginners.

Meet at 10:30 am. for 11:00 a.m. departure. Arrive at Shinsuikoen in time for 1:00 p.m. lunch.

(Please note this route is not suitable for pushchairs )

Route B (Seiryunomori hard route) A challenging route with some steep sections.

Meet at 9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m. departure.  Arrive at Shinsuikoen in time for 1:00 p.m.for lunch.

After lunch the event finishes and all participants are free to return at there own pace and try out a outdoor bath etc.


Places may be limited so it best to contact the Kurokawaonsen visitor center and book a place

TEL: +81 -967-44-0076


(However you can still join in on the day without a reservation.)

This event will be canceled if it rains.


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志賀 希
旅館わかばの若旦那 志賀 希です! 日本人だけでなくいろんな国の方たちと、関わりを持つためには英語は必要ですね。今さらですが最近になって英語を真剣に勉強しはじめました。 世界中の人たちが集える場所になれるよう頑張ります^^


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