
Kurokawa Onsen Festival on October 4th and 5th 2014

Every year there is a big event in Kurokawa in October “Kurokawaonsen Kanshyasai”

This year it will be on October 4th and 5th. Please come and join in the fun!


October 4th schedule of events

15:00 Drums and band

Various foods stalls

16:00  Lucky draw for childen. (free)

games for children

17:30 Live band!

18:00  Official opening

18:10 Kagura performance

19:00 Arm wrestling(men)

Bottom sumo (women)

20:00 Traditional “Ushibuka Haiya” dance performance

20:30 Drum performance

20:45 Catch a mochi rice cake!

20:55 Closing remarks

Lucky draw results!

21:55 Fireworks


Place: Visitor Center car park




October 5th schedule of events


Parade in samurai costume

Start 11am from “Sanai rest house”

The route is along “Kawabatadori” through the center of Kurokawa and takes approx.1 hour


The red line shows the route of the parade.

(from right to left)


Bring your camera!


In the event of rain the parade will be cancelled.


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志賀 希
旅館わかばの若旦那 志賀 希です! 日本人だけでなくいろんな国の方たちと、関わりを持つためには英語は必要ですね。今さらですが最近になって英語を真剣に勉強しはじめました。 世界中の人たちが集える場所になれるよう頑張ります^^


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